If you want to stay a offbeat place in Darjeeling you must visit Chatakpur. The distance from NJP or Sliguri is 62 Km approx and by car it will take 2:30 hours via Kurseong. Distance from Sonada to Chatakpur is only 8 km. You must take forest entry pass from here. The forest roads for Chatakpur from Sonada is not good condition. At the time passing through the forest the natural scenic beauty is forgot your tiredness. From Darjeeling only 20 KM. It’s altitude is approx 7888 ft.
SBST recommended Homestay Chatakpur

In winter the average temperature 11 °C to -4 °C , in Summer 18 °C to 10 °C . Chatakpur is situate in forest area which is under Sinchal Wildlife Sanctuary. That’s why Chatakpur is close on Monsoon (naturally 15th July to 15th Sept). The small village is cover by beautiful pine forest which is attract you. Chatakpur is a small village surround by forest & you need permission of the forest dept. You must pay entry fees to the forest department.
One of the best offbeat destination of Darjeeling is Chatakpur

From our Recommended Upper Chatakpur Homestay you can see the entire Mt. Kanchenjunga Range from our Room & Balcon

The hospitality and the service of our recommended Homestay that you never forgotten. You can enjoy our Fooding & Lodging facility for Rs. 1400/ head / Day only.
Chatakpur is situate at approx 7888 ft. The normal weather is very cold, In winter the average temperature 11 °C to -4 °C , That time (in Dec/Jan) you can enjoy snowfalls if luck is favor to you.

The main attraction of Chatakpur

The main attraction of Chatakpur is Chatakpur View point, it is only 5 minutes walking distance from our recommended Homestay. Early morning you can enjoy the beautiful sunrise from here & the reddish entire Mt. Kanchenjunga Range. From Chatakpur View point you can enjoy the Sunset is very attractive from here. At the evening you can go for walk in the pleasant village & enjoy the natural beauty.

For Booking Homestay & Pickup / Drop car for Chatakpur please contact with us.

Rooms of Our recommended Chatakpur Homestay’s are normal. All rooms are with personal bathroom with geyser facility and WiFi available for guests, Only for our hospitality & the enjoyable natural beauty we promise you must come here again.